Among the most frequent things we hear from collectors, “I need more shelf space for my collection…” is among the top! So we have a solution. Our patented Chair Cape™ fall line has just hit the site for pre-order, and guess what – no shelf space required!
Expanding our Marvel roster and adding brand-new options for Star Trek fans, these fourteen new Chair Capes are a fun way to rep your fandom in at the office or at home. We’ve even see them used to decorate chairs at weddings, conventions, and other special events.
For the bold and daring space explorers, the 2017 Star Trek Chair Cape line-up includes a Klingon Insignia Chair Cape, an Operations Red Uniform Chair Cape, a Command Gold Uniform Chair Cape, a Sciences Blue Uniform Chair Cape, a Command Green Uniform Chair Cape, and a more all-encompassing Federation Insignia Chair Cape (for anyone who supports the great work of the UFP)! Each inspired by the emblems and colors features in Star Trek: The Original Series.
[justified_image_grid preset=1 ids=”56992,56996,56994,56995,56993,56997″ thumbs_spacing=5 row_height=200 height_deviation=30 caption=off overlay=hovered overlay_color=#111111 overlay_opacity=0.4 outer_border_width=2 outer_border_color=#cccccc lightbox=prettyphoto margin=”10px 0″ mobile_caption=off mobile_overlay=off]The new Marvel selections include a new cast of characters that feature two kings – Thor and Black Panther, Avenger’s Iron Man and Black Widow (along with a new classic Captain America inspired Chair Cape), Venom, Daredevil, and Punisher.
[justified_image_grid preset=1 ids=”56998,56999,57000,57001,57002,57003,57004,57005″ thumbs_spacing=5 row_height=200 height_deviation=30 caption=off overlay=hovered overlay_color=#111111 overlay_opacity=0.4 outer_border_width=2 outer_border_color=#cccccc lightbox=prettyphoto margin=”10px 0″ mobile_caption=off mobile_overlay=off]Designed to fit most standard-sized chairs, Chair Capes easily wrap about the back of your seat with an adjustable hook-and-loop belt strap. Then, stick the cape to the back of the strap, allowing the cape to hang behind your seat, and your seat is complete!
Check out the Entertainment Earth Chair Capes available today.