Anovos keeps the customer in mind with their Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Darth Vader Full Scale Costume.
Extensive measurements, digital Pantone color samples, and physical patterns were taken directly off the original screen-used outfit – one of the few costumes from the movie still residing in archives. With a light-up chest box and belt, this costume is both comfortable and accurate!
Designed with costumers in mind, this costume features a self-aligning helmet (using magnets and keyed locking mechanisms), a built-in helmet ventilation system, reinforced shoulder bell hinges, and strategically placed ventilation mesh in the undersuit. Undersuit should be tailored for proper fit.
The Darth Vader costumes come in sizes small, medium, large, extra-large, and extra-extra-large. With proper modifications, this costume may even be approved for membership to the 501st Legion!
This menacing villain is available with free shipping at Entertainment Earth!
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