When you think of most depictions of Death as an anthropomorphized entity, you picture a frightening male wearing long, dark robes, and towering over the crowd. Not so for DC Comic’s epic Sandman, which showed us a much more attractive side of Death. Depicted as a beautiful young lady who not only escorts you to the afterlife, but arrives for your birth as a sort of preliminary visit. Bucking all typical representations, Death was not only beautiful but powerful and nearly omniscient.
Now you can add Death to your collection in the form of this arresting DC Comics Cover Girls Death by Stanley Lau Statue. While she often comes in many different forms of garb, this statue finds her in one of her more formal outfits, wearing a beautiful gown dating back to Victorian times. At 1:8 scale, this statue is full of intricate details and spectacular beauty.
Measuring in at a little over 10-inches tall, Stanley Lau gives us some of his best artistic work. This high-quality resin statue shows us the softer, more playful side of Death that any fan won’t want to be without. You can pre-order yours today at Entertainment Earth!