In the long history of the Looney Tunes Legacy, there was no other storyline quite as exciting as the Duck Dodgers adventures. This wasn’t just Daffy and Porky dressed up, these were sub-characters that expanded the capabilities of Looney Tunes stories and made a whole science fiction epic possible. Now, Funko has brought these memorable characters out of the shadows and brought them to life as exquisite members of their Pop! Vinyl collection.
The titular character is depicted with care in the Duck Dodgers Pop! Vinyl Figure. This exciting character is made to the Pop! Vinyl specifications, but just rings individual style. Fans of the old show will be trading these around, as there are two variants that are randomly distributed.
There are also two variants of the Duck Dodgers Space Cadet Pop! Vinyl Figure. Porky Pig stops fussing for long enough to join Duck Dodgers on his adventures as the Space Cadet, and this figure is an excellent representation of the character.
And where would Duck Dodgers be without antagonists? No one can forget the cute but dangerous Marvin the Martian. What character in popular culture history is more perfect for the Pop! Vinyl treatment? Take a look at the Duck Dodgers Marvin the Martian Pop! Vinyl Figure, and I think you will agree that this is among the most perfect figures Funko has ever introduced.
And the Duck Dodgers K-9 Pop! Vinyl Figure is here to help out Marvin the Martian. The alien dog is ready to make trouble for Duck Dodgers and anyone else who ends up on his planet.
This new line of Pop! Vinyl figures comes in the familiar style, standing each at about 3 3/4-inches tall and packed in a window display box. While there is no end to the characters who become Pop! Vinyl figures, there could be no better characters than these for the aesthetic. You can pre-order these amazing figures at Entertainment Earth!