When you’re a fan of Game of Thrones, it’s a rite of passage to know which House you’d belong to and/or support. I’m a proud Martell, but I support Stannis Baratheon as the one true king of Westeros.
There’s nothing I like more than being able to show this off without words as I drink out of my House Martell pint glass while my Stannis Baratheon banner hangs over my desk.
Every fan should get to proudly proclaim what House is theirs and to make it a little easier, here are some of the best collectibles for the Houses of Westeros.
The House of North is one of courage, loyalty, and nobility. They are a great House, with many lesser known Houses sworn to them. Winterfell is the seat of House Stark, a castle known for its strength. Those who belong to House Stark endure, even through the hardest of times. Their sigil is a direwolf on a field of white.
[justified_image_grid preset=1 ids=”21784,21786,21805,21817″ thumbs_spacing=5 row_height=200 height_deviation=30 caption=off overlay=hovered overlay_color=#111111 overlay_opacity=0.4 outer_border_width=2 outer_border_color=#cccccc lightbox=prettyphoto margin=”10px 0″ mobile_caption=off mobile_overlay=off]» Order Game of Thrones Stark Direwolf House Crest Wall Plaque
» Pre-Order Game of Thrones Stark Sigil Banner
» Pre-Order Game of Thrones Stark Direwolf House Throw Pillow
» Order Game of Thrones House Stark Jewelry
As the principal House of the westerlands, Lannisters are fierce and cunning. Their sigil is a golden lion against crimson and their primary seat is Casterly Rock, although another exists in Lannisport. From generation to generation, Lannisters are tall, fair-haired, handsome, and contain the blood of the Andals.
[justified_image_grid preset=1 ids=”21792,21807,21812,21794″ thumbs_spacing=5 row_height=200 height_deviation=30 caption=off overlay=hovered overlay_color=#111111 overlay_opacity=0.4 outer_border_width=2 outer_border_color=#cccccc lightbox=prettyphoto margin=”10px 0″ mobile_caption=off mobile_overlay=off]» Pre-Order Game of Thrones Lannister Sigil Banner
» Pre-Order Game of Thrones Lannister Lion House Throw Pillow
» Order Game of Thrones Lannister Lion House Crest Wall Plaque
» Order Game of Thrones Lannister Sigil Ceramic Stein
A noble family of Valyrian descent and escaped the Doom, they lived for centuries on the island of Dragonstone until Aegon the Conqueror rode his dragons to conquer the Seven Kingdoms, ruling until Robert’s Rebellion. Those of House Targaryen are prone to madness and possess silvery hair and violet eyes.
[justified_image_grid preset=1 ids=”21813,21787,21806″ thumbs_spacing=5 row_height=200 height_deviation=30 caption=off overlay=hovered overlay_color=#111111 overlay_opacity=0.4 outer_border_width=2 outer_border_color=#cccccc lightbox=prettyphoto margin=”10px 0″ mobile_caption=off mobile_overlay=off]» Order Game of Thrones Targaryen Dragon House Crest Wall Plaque
» Pre-Order Game of Thrones Targaryen Sigil Banner
» Pre-Order Game of Thrones Targaryen Dragon House Throw Pillow
A crowned black stag upon a field of gold is the sigil for the House Baratheon. Their principal location are the stormlands where their seat, Storm’s End, is located. Strongly built with dark hair and blue eyes, Baratheons tend to be mercurial in temperament.
[justified_image_grid preset=1 ids=”21804,21810,21798″ thumbs_spacing=5 row_height=200 height_deviation=30 caption=off overlay=hovered overlay_color=#111111 overlay_opacity=0.4 outer_border_width=2 outer_border_color=#cccccc lightbox=prettyphoto margin=”10px 0″ mobile_caption=off mobile_overlay=off]» Order Game of Thrones Baratheon and Lannister Royal Crown Prop Replica
» Order Game of Thrones House Baratheon Stag Throw Pillow
» Order Game of Thrones Baratheon Sigil Ceramic Stein
A cadet branch of Baratheon, this House swears its loyalty to its creator, Stannis Baratheon. Their sigil is a crowned black stag against a crimson heart engulfed in flames. Its seat is Dragonstone.
[justified_image_grid preset=1 ids=”21790,21799,21801,21793″ thumbs_spacing=5 row_height=200 height_deviation=30 caption=off overlay=hovered overlay_color=#111111 overlay_opacity=0.4 outer_border_width=2 outer_border_color=#cccccc lightbox=prettyphoto margin=”10px 0″ mobile_caption=off mobile_overlay=off]» Pre-Order Game of Thrones Baratheon Sigil Banner
» Order Game of Thrones Stannis Baratheon Pint Glass
» Order Game of Thrones Stannis Baratheon Mug
» Order Game of Thrones Stannis Baratheon Shield Pin
Down in Dorne rules House Martell, a House belonging to people of passion. They are considered salty Dornishmen with dark eyes and olive skin. Their seat is Sunspear where the Prince of Dorne rules.
[justified_image_grid preset=1 ids=”15170,21802,21791″ thumbs_spacing=5 row_height=200 height_deviation=30 caption=off overlay=hovered overlay_color=#111111 overlay_opacity=0.4 outer_border_width=2 outer_border_color=#cccccc lightbox=prettyphoto margin=”10px 0″ mobile_caption=off mobile_overlay=off]» Order Game of Thrones Oberyn Martell Pop! Vinyl Figure
» Order Game of Thrones House Martell Mug
» Pre-Order Game of Thrones Martell Sigil Banner
Those belonging to House Greyjoy also belong to the sea. They rule the Iron Islands and are known for being harsh, attractive, and well-built. Their sigil is golden kraken upon a black field and their seat is the Seastone Chair in the castle of Pyke.
[justified_image_grid preset=1 ids=”21816,21808″ thumbs_spacing=5 row_height=200 height_deviation=30 caption=off overlay=hovered overlay_color=#111111 overlay_opacity=0.4 outer_border_width=2 outer_border_color=#cccccc lightbox=prettyphoto margin=”10px 0″ mobile_caption=off mobile_overlay=off]» Order Game of Thrones Balon Greyjoy Copper Star Coin
» Order Game of Thrones House Greyjoy Kraken Throw Pillow
Those in House Tyrell are attractive and intelligent. Their sigil is golden rose on a green field and they rule from Highgarden. They wield great armies, for their wealth is surpassed only by House Lannister.
[justified_image_grid preset=1 ids=”21800,21797,21796,21809″ thumbs_spacing=5 row_height=200 height_deviation=30 caption=off overlay=hovered overlay_color=#111111 overlay_opacity=0.4 outer_border_width=2 outer_border_color=#cccccc lightbox=prettyphoto margin=”10px 0″ mobile_caption=off mobile_overlay=off]» Order Game of Thrones Tyrell Pint Glass
» Order Game of Thrones Tyrell Mug
» Order Game of Thrones House of Tyrell Embroidered Patch
» Order Game of Thrones House Tyrell Rose Throw Pillow
There are many other houses in Westeros that we couldn’t highlight here so if you’re House Arryn or Tully, check out all of our Game of Thrones sigil collectibles to see more!