The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles world continues to impress generation after generation with their irreverent style and fantastic design. From the comics to the modern movies, ever iteration of TMNT has a cohesive attitude that fans love. Artist James Jean has given us some of the most vivid portrayals of the TMNT characters with a series of illustrations that will blow your mind. Those illustrations have been joyfully made into statues that collectors can’t get enough of.
The James Jean statues have recently expanded to include villains from the series. The latest character to join the ranks of this outstanding collection is Rocksteady, in this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Rocksteady by James Jean Statue. This outstanding villain is decked out in full battle gear, baring a ghetto blaster that turns into a rocket launcher and wielding a manhole cover as a shield, Rocksteady is more than ready for action.
This incredibly detailed statue is made from PVC and ABS plastic in order to capture the smallest details and curves. This statue fully recreates the vision and drama of the original James Jean illustrations, which in turn capture the characters from the TMNT universe in a spectacular, vivid way that had never been seen before. Measuring in at about 9-inches tall, this statue will be a conversation piece in your collection that stands above the rest. Head over to Entertainment Earth to pre-order your Rocksteady statue today!
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