The age of dinosaurs has passed, but the marvel and wonder of their existence still lives within our minds and museums. What would it have been like to live alongside these giant, incredible creatures? That’s something we can only dream or imagine. And perhaps, imagined best by the Jurassic Park films. These movies (based on Michael Crichton’s novels) give us a glimpse at man and dinosaur co-existing on this spinning ball we call Earth. Sure, it’s a terrifying look at what that world may be, but it’s probably as close as we’ll ever get. And since he uttered the words, who hasn’t wanted to say “Welcome, to Jurassic Park” in their very best Richard Attenborough voice? Now you have that chance!
You, yes YOU, can own your very own Tyrannosaurus Rex bust to hang in your home. A 1:5 scale bust of the very famous T-Rex that roamed free on Isla Nublar when Dennis Nedry shut the security fences down. This lovely lady T-Rex (of course it’s a lady, all dinosaurs at Jurassic Park are female) is meticulously detailed and was molded and cast from the original Jonathan Chu casting from the movie. She was hand-painted and modeled after the same paint design used on the animatronic version used in the film, so you know this is as real as it gets!
You’ll want to warn your friends to “hold on to your butts” before they enter your room displaying this beautiful piece of Jurassic Park art. Get yours now. Don’t wait. You must go faster, must go faster to Entertainment Earth and pre-order yours now!
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