Add to your growing school for gifted children with the new X-Men Pop! vinyl figures featuring some of your favorite ‘90s mutants.
Whether it’s fighting against sentinels in a doomed future or pulling the world from the claws of a guy named Apocalypse, these Pop! figures look their cutest doing it.
For the first time, you can grab a locked and loaded Cable Pop!, an Archangel Pop! with his classic Apocalypse garb and steel wings, a Psylocke Pop! – complete with kinetic-energy hand dagger and her signature katana, a Storm Pop! sporting her gen-X mohawk and rounding out the set a Quicksilver and making sure your collection has a rival for your Wolverine Pop!, there’s Sabertooth. Each comes in their classic ‘90s style which brought new blood to the mutants and introduced some classic characters for a new generation.
Set to release in January, these Pop! vinyls will have you exclaiming “to me my X-men” with all the telekinetic ability you can muster.
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