How cute are these Star Wars Han Solo and Chewbacca Poptaters Mr. Potato Heads? We could just eat them up!
Well, they may not be real potatoes, but these Poptaters are still a treat!
Han Solo is less svelte in potato form, but with his trademark vest and trusty blaster, he’s immediately identifiable as everyone’s favorite outlaw. With a swoon-worthy smile, it’s no wonder Princess Leia fell for such a scoundrel!
Chewbacca is furrier than your average spud, but is still a palatable addition to any collection! Never without his bandolier, Chewy also comes with posable arms and a smile only a Wookiee could love.
Both of these hardened criminals stand 6-inches tall and come in a window box, so you can display or store them – just be sure to stay clear of carbonite!
We don’t know where you get your delusions, tater-brain, but this is one murphy not to be missed! Pre-order yours from Entertainment Earth today!