
Sailor Jupiter Figuarts Zero, Agent of Love and Courage


At long last, Makoto Kino, better known as Sailor Jupiter, joins the Sailor Moon Figuarts Zero Statue line from Bandai Tamashii Nations as the Sailor Jupiter Figuarts Zero Statue.

The Sailor Jupiter Figuarts Zero Statue is the fifth statue released in the Sailor Moon Figuarts line. The Jupiter Figuarts Statue showcases the fifth member of the inner Sailor Scout team. Sailor Jupiter has special lightning powers, which are displayed in this stunning statue.

Jupiter Production Image

Jupiter Production Image

This 8 inch statue is highly detailed to display Sailor Jupiter in all of her glory. This large scaled, elegantly sculpted Figuarts Zero statue utilizes clear components to enhance the look of her lightning effects. Like the previous Sailor Scout Figuarts Zero Statues, this Sailor Jupiter Figuarts features pearlescent coloring to provide wonderful depth and quality to her overall appearance.

In the series, Sailor Jupiter possesses powers over electricity and plants, as well as superhuman strength. Makoto is both extraordinarily tall and extremely strong. Usagi, a.k.a Sailor Moon, befriends Makoto when she transfers to a new school. Agent of Love and Courage, the pretty sailor suited soldier Sailor Jupiter! In the name of Jupiter, she will punish you!

Also available in the Sailor Moon Figuarts Zero Statue line are Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, and Sailor Venus. Read more about the Sailor Moon Figuarts Zero Statue line here.

The Sailor Jupiter Figuarts Zero Statue is currently available for pre-order at Entertainment Earth and is scheduled to arrive in January 2015. Complete your Inner Senshi collection with this fantastic statue!

» See all Sailor Moon Figuarts Zero Statues

Sailor Jupiter Figuarts Zero

» Pre-order Sailor Jupiter Figuarts Zero Statue


» Pre-order Sailor Venus Figuarts Zero Statue

» Order Sailor Moon Figuarts Zero Statue

» Pre-order Sailor Mars Figuarts Zero Statue

» Pre-order Sailor Mercury Figuarts Zero Statue



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