Day 2 of San Diego Comic-Con is in the books, and if you’re anything like me your feet are killing you. With news flying left and right and all the collectible exclusives, Friday was a busy day at the Convention Center. So, let’s dive into the biggest news of the day!
DC Comics and Warner Bros. held a panel about the upcoming DC Universe animated series Young Justice: Outsiders. The panel discussed the legacy of the beloved Young Justice series and the fan effort to bring it back. The audience then got a glimpse of the first trailer for the new series. It featured a wrap-up of the final moments of the last season and then dove head first into the new footage. A ton of returning favorites and debuting characters can be seen throughout the five-minute trailer, so check it out and see if you can spot them all!
From the Universal Pictures panel, the Glass trailer was released. This gave us a much better idea of what we can expect when the two main characters of Unbreakable meet the main antagonist from Split. M. Night Shyamalan struck gold with the surprise hit Split, and with the credit scene showing Bruce Willis’ character David Dunn returning from Unbreakable, we were promised something special in the future. The trailer is full of fun and suspenseful moments, and I’m positive we can expect that usual Shyamalan twist at the end.
Ahead of the big DC/CW TV panel marathon set for Saturday, the Arrowverse released a trailer to recap all the show’s last season activities and also tease the coming of Batwoman. She will make her debut in the big crossover event and then (if greenlit) get a series of her very own. Exciting times for the vigilantes from Gotham!
Hasbro announced at their Star Wars Panel that Entertainment Earth will roll out the new line of Star Wars Force Link figures as an exclusive! The 5-pack of figures includes Maz Kanata, Rey, Poe Dameron, a Snowtrooper, and Kylo Ren. They come with accessories (including blasters and lightsabers), and the Force Link technology allows the figures to communicate via Bluetooth for interactive social play. Link them to your Star Wars by wearing the Force Link 2.0 technology (sold separately) to activate lights, sounds, and phrases. The set will be available in December, but you can pre-order it today at Entertainment Earth!
It was a tremendously busy day at the Entertainment Earth booth. Not only did we continue selling some of the hottest exclusives at the convention, but we had the cast of Twin Peaks stop by to sign autographs and spend time with the fans. Kimmy Robertson, Harry Goaz, Adele René, Eric Edelstein, Robert Broski, George Griffith, Nicole LaLiberte, John Pirrucello, Amy Shiels, and Executive Producer Sabrina Sutherland were all at our booth.
The top three selling exclusives today were the Twin Peaks Evolution of the Arm Push Puppet; the Cereal Monsters Geeki Tiki Count Chocula, Frankenberry, and Boo Berry Mugs; and the Power Rangers Pyscho Silver Ranger Figure.
Speaking of those wacky Rangers, the Entertainment Earth booth also hosted a popular photo op for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers cosplayers. All the original Rangers were at the booth – Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, and Pink!
On Day 3, our booth will host KISS lead guitarist Tommy Thayer and drummer Eric Singer for another free celebrity autograph session, and there will be a “Living in a Post-Toys ‘R’ Us World – Navigating the Future of Toy Retail” panel, as well. Stop by for all the details and to register to meet the two music legends.
With that, we end our coverage of Day 2. Stay tuned for the latest convention exclusive news.