Fan Creations

Have You Seen a Galaxy Far, Far Away in the Sky Lately?

Hobbyist Olivier C. brings a galaxy far, far away so much closer to home with this do-it-yourself RC Tie Interceptor! If I saw these flying through the air, I’d run down to the Cantina in search of a scruffy-looking nerfherder with a ship of their own.

The custom TIE Interceptor isn’t the first Star Wars creation to fly through the air. Olivier took the Millennium Falcon to Hoth with a quadcopter mounted within a custom Falcon body. Check them out in the videos below!

I’m not the only one amazed by quadcopters, but that wonderment reaches a new level with Oliver’s Star Wars vehicle quadcopters. He creates a light shell in the shape of classic vehicles, like the the TIE Interceptor and Millenium Falcon, which are then placed on custom-built quadcopters.

He’s currently working on the triangular-shaped Imperial Star Destroyer, and I personally can’t wait to see the result! Maybe he’ll take all three vehicles out and create an epic battle!

These custom vehicles are a great way for Star Wars fans to create their own drones, because Olivier shares his schematics in a step-by-step guide on

Either way, these Star Wars drones have apt timing. Star Wars: The Force Awakens hits theatres on December 18, 2015.

RC Tie Interceptor – The Empire Strikes Back

RC Millennium Falcon – Falcon Down



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