
Peter Mayhew, Actor Behind Chewbacca, Teases Fans with a ‘Big Announcement’ on Twitter

Peter Mayhew, the actor behind Chewbacca, sure knows how to get Star Wars fans in a tizzy.

Yesterday, he tweeted this cryptic but exciting message:


Pages from the original Star Wars script are pretty cool, but what’s this about a big announcement?

Mayhew hasn’t tweeted any new pictures today yet, and there’s no knowing what this announcement could be. Many assume it will have something to do Star Wars, of course, but that could mean any number of things.

Will it have something to do with the original trilogy, or with upcoming films and Chewbacca’s role in them?

Since there’s no way to know, we can just enjoy the pictures of the original script he’s treating us to for now.

What do you think his announcement will be? Share your ideas in the comments below!

And check out more Star Wars here.

Source: Twitter



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