We’re starting to veer into too much footage territory with Star Wars: The Force Awakens TV spots, but a fifth one was released and I can’t help it that the new footage is so cool and I’m getting more and more excited with every passing day. Officially less than a month!
The Force Awakens is the most anticipated film of the year – it practically markets itself. And when most fans want to go into this film mostly in the dark, videos can be tricky. Luckily, while this one is made up of almost entirely new footage, it still gives nothing away of the plot that we haven’t already surmised from past videos and it just looks so awesome.
This spot focuses primarily on Finn (John Boyega), a character we know little about – okay, we know very little about every character, even the familiar ones! See, we’re still going to go into the film unsuspecting.
“You don’t know a thing about me, what I’ve seen,” Finn says shakily in the video. “We all need to run.”
It seems Finn has good reason for defecting from the First Order, and not only because they’ve been spreading lies about Luke Skywalker.
Plus we get plenty of good action shots, including a Stormtrooper unleashing some sort of electric baton from his arm to combat Finn’s lightsaber.
Okay, after you wrap your head around how awesome that is, I find it curious that the First Order has weaponry specifically to battle lightsabers (at least that’s how it seems to me). Though the people may believe Jedis are a myth, is the First Order nervous they’ll rise again?
Remember, less than a month!
Star Wars: The Force Awakens, directed by J.J. Abrams and starring Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyong’o, Daisy Ridley, Domhnall Gleeson, Adam Driver, Gwendoline Christie, Andy Serkis, and Max von Sydow is set to come out on December 18, 2015.
What do you think of the TV Spot and the new Stormtrooper gear? Sound off in the comments!
Source: YouTube