It’s hard to believe we’re still in the first season of The Flash.
We’ve seen plenty of the Flash’s Rogues (including Mark Hamill as The Trickster last week!), we’ve seen a crossover with Arrow, we’ve seen bits of Gorilla Grodd, and we’ve discovered numerous truths about Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne (Tom Cavanagh/Matt Letscher).
So much has already happened in seventeen episodes and we still have five more to go.
At WonderCon this weekend, a new trailer for the remainder of the season was shown, revealing the last episodes will be jam-packed. You can watch it below.
Highlights of the video include more Gorilla Grodd; Emily Kinney’s (The Walking Dead) Bug-Eyed Bandit, another of the Flash’s Rogues; and Barry (Grant Gustin) and Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) locking lips.
Cisco (Carlos Valdes) has some great and nerdy one-liners (“Bees. Why did it have to be bees?”) but it also looks like, again, he’ll be hurt by Harrison Wells (who we now know is really Eobard Thawne). Honestly, cut this kid some slack, he’s one of the best characters on the show!
This trailer highlights two of the biggest events for the rest of the season (which will probably be connected): another Arrow crossover and the continuing exploration of the Reverse-Flash.
It looks like we’ll be seeing Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards), and Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh). There’s a very noticeable scene of the Flash, Green Arrow, and Firestorm standing in line together, probably against the Reverse-Flash who we also see Oliver point an arrow at.
Concerning the Reverse-Flash, we now know it’s really Eobard Thawne masquerading as Harrison Wells whom he killed many years ago. It’s okay everyone, Harrison Wells is still a good guy alebit one we know very little about now (seriously, this was a major internal struggle for me).
We see Eobard-as-Harrison in one of the cells at S.T.A.R. Labs and facing off against our heroes many times. I can’t wait to see how this all goes down and how our heroes will learn the truth. I just hope it doesn’t mean this season will be the last we see of Cavanagh, who has been one of the highlights of this series so far. He’s a superb actor who I would love to see on this show for as long as possible.
Also possibly related are the dark deeds we see Detective Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett) get up to in the trailer. Perhaps he discovers his relation to the Reverse-Flash, whatever it may be.
I am stunned that the first season of this show isn’t over yet and how much more we have to look forward to. It’s by far one of the best series on television right now, and I am eager to see what they could possibly have in store for us with Season 2.
What are your theories about the rest of the season? How excited are you about The Flash? Share with us in the comments!