
Here Are the Monster Films Universal Plans to Reboot for Their Shared Universe

The upcoming shared reboot universe starring Universal Monsters is getting under way. Van Helsing recently received a pair of writers and now Variety’s reporting on the larger plan for the project.

Just like Star Wars, Universal plans to release a new monster movie every year, including The Mummy, Dracula, Bride of Frankenstein, The Wolfman, and the aforementioned Van Helsing.

“The characters will interact with each other across movies,” explains Donna Langley, chair of Universal Pictures. “We’re incubating it at the moment, and we’re taking the time to get it right.”

Interestingly, last year’s Dracula Untold was meant to be the beginning of this shared universe but it remains to be seen whether or not that’s still the case or if they’re planning to – again – reboot Dracula.

The two people at the helm of this world are Alex Kurtzman (Star Trek, Fringe) and Chris Morgan (Fast & Furious 6, Furious 7).

Kurtzman touches on the idea that these monster films will not be the ones we’re used to: “We’re creating a mythology, so we’re looking at this canon and thinking, ‘What are the rules?’ What can we break and what are the ones that are untouchable?”

Morgan also goes on to explain how this universe will differ from all the superhero films Hollywood is churning out:

“Heroes tend to be perfect, but most people in an audience aren’t ever going to know what it’s like to be the smartest, strongest or fastest person alive. But there’s a darkness inside everybody. And everyone wants to be able to turn a curse into empowerment. The monsters have been in the shadows, and now it’s time to bring them out into the light.”

The Mummy is set to begin production early next year.

Are you excited for this universe? What other monsters do you hope they’ll include?

Source: Variety



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