Penny Dreadful is a British-American horror drama television series created for Showtime and Sky by John Logan, who also acts as executive producer alongside Sam Mendes. It premiered on Showtime on May 11, 2014. Set in a supernatural Victorian London, actors Josh Hartnett, Timothy Dalton, and Eva Green star as American gunslinger Ethan Chandler, medium Vanessa Ives, and explorer Sir Malcolm Murray, respectively.
Bummer! We don’t have any Penny Dreadful items available right now, but be sure to check back often as we add new merchandise to our site daily.
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"At first, I was a bit skeptical because their prices were cheaper than BBTS. But I actually love them! I ordered a Marvel Legends wave and they sent almost all the items within a few days! The ones that were backordered still came surprisingly fast!..."
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